luni, 18 mai 2009

Da-ti o palma!

10. Da-ti o palma daca ti-ai ars vreodata parul cu tigara in timp ce vorbeai la telefon, desi cealalta mana era libera!
8*. Da-ti o palma daca mergi cu masina prin oras si asculti Puya-Undeva in Balcani cu geamurile jos si volumul la maxim!

luni, 11 mai 2009

Da-ti o palma!

9. Da-ti o palma daca nu intelegi ca daca o tipa iti spune ca nu ii place cum saruti si isi tine picioarele incrucisate ca sa nu incerci tu ceva dubios, tu ca si tip, insisti in continuare spunand cat de mult iti place sa o tii in brate! Auzi, frate, tu..n-ai auzit de comunicare non-verbala, limbajul corpului, chestii?

marți, 5 mai 2009


This post is to thank the PIC DIT crew(as in Adam) for sending me the stickers all the way from Canada. I have one on my locker and one on a wardrobe's door at home.

Here are some pics:



If you want some you can get them from here. You just send an e-mail and in about a week you will receive them free of charge.

Thank you, Adam!